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You are here: Using ChildPlus > Configuring ChildPlus > How to Configure ChildPlus > Set up program terms and associate classrooms with them


Adding a New Program Term

  1. Open the Program Information screen. How do I do this?Collapsed
  2. Select the program that you want to add a program term to. You can choose from the list of programs on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click Add Another Program Term.

  4. Choose one of the following options:
  5. Complete each of the applicable Collapsedfields for the program term on the General Program Term Info tab. If you copied an existing program term, make the necessary changes to these fields so they reflect your new program term.


  1. Click on the Classrooms tab.
  2. Click Add Classrooms to associate a classroom with the program term.
  3. Select each classroom that you want to add.



Don't see the classroom you are looking for? Go to Setup > Agency Configuration > Agency Info > Sites tab > Classrooms tab to make sure it's active. Click here if the classroom doesn't exist and you need to add it.


  1. If you need to make changes to the classroom's Program Option, Funded Enrollment, Minimum Age and/or Maximum Age, you can do so on the Options tab.
  2. Click on the Staffing tab and complete each of the following Collapsedfields:


  1. Click on the Operating Days and Hours tab and complete each of the following Collapsedfields:


  1. Click on the Meals Served tab and complete each of the following Collapsedfields:




When you enroll a participant in a program, ChildPlus will automatically use the operating day and meals served for this classroom and apply them to the participant's attendance record.  For example, if you configure the classroom as operating Monday - Friday and a snack and lunch being served daily, then the participant will be marked as attending Monday - Friday and eating a snack and lunch. If this information is not accurate for the participant, you can uncheck each option that does not apply.


  1. Click Save.



Want to learn more? Click on one of these additional topics:


About Program Information

Adding a New Classroom




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